Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Judas Iscariot Versus The Rest of Us

Was Judas evil? Or was he different? Did he really betray Jesus or was he just an instrument who helped Jesus reach his goal?

Judas symbolizes the fact that for the manifestation of the good, the evil is indispensable.
Good and evil are merely reflections of each other. Or perhaps perspectives. And they have a common link - they are both forces. One is triggered by the other.

Could Jesus have attained divinity without Judas's betrayal? Are not Judas and Jesus mirror images. Complimentary people who fulfilled each others lives.

This brings me to the point that I am trying to raise. To say that Judas was bad or evil would be so unfair. Judas was just different. He thought differently from the other disciples and therefore he acted differently. His difference of thinking led to actions that cost Jesus his life. But what a conundrum that is. Because if Jesus had not been crucified, he would not have been resurrected and become Christ.

We must learn to identify the Judas Iscariots amongst us. Not to be warned of them. But to observe them and be grateful of them. For they are the ones who are chosen as the instruments of change. In the difference of their actions and thoughts lies the furtherance of things.
To label people as good or bad based on their actions may be convenient, but may not be the correct way. No one is bad or good in this world. Some are Judas Iscariots and some are the other 12. The Judases just think and act differently, but that doesn’t mean they are evil. And it is to the Judases of the world that we owe our Jesuses.

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