Saturday, February 18, 2006

Savera days

So one day they decided to pull her down and bring up a big red and blue steel structure. That was the day they killed the spirit of pune – or at least one part of it.

But then that’s how all things are – mortal, transient. When such is the lot of earth itself, then what is savera? When such is the fate of earth her.

Lazy savera Sundays

Sat here all day. 11 to 2 and then 3 to 7. that’s like most of the day I guess. And watched people. About 20 pairs of different shaded denim clad legs. Denims rule this generation. Nothing new with that – but its amazing if you think of it. An entire generation clad in a single type of clothing. Like about 100 years back our forefathers clad in white dhotis.

A low cleavage t-shirt wearing girl is crossing the road from the Fergusson College side. I can see her cleavage from across the road, where she is standing near the divider.

Makes me think – things that mark this generation – less clothing on women, denim, cell phones and internet centered, money frenzied life styles.

I read somewhere some article on how the hemlines of women’s skirts move up or down with the economy. Don’t remember much about it right now, but I think there definitely is a relation between women’s clothing and the state of a society’s economic prosperity.

Generally speaking a strong economy means more women wearing less clothes and vice versa. Think about it. A strong economy means general prosperity, lower crime rates, lesser frustration or pent up desires, lesser chances of men behaving like animals etc etc.


G Shrivastava said...

Well then our economy must still be very weak, coz our men sure behave like animals. The worst kind :-(

Ami Titash said...

yes ofcourse. :)...but then so do our women...whenever they get the chance ;)

G Shrivastava said...

Not like the men do :-(

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